Normal Uniques(104 of 104) (100.0%)

Helms (8 of 8) (100.0%)

99Biggin's BonnetCap (TC 3)
252412TarnhelmSkull Cap (TC 6)
38382Coif of GloryHelm (TC 12)
898546DuskdeepFull Helm (TC 15)
47474The Face of HorrorMask (TC 21)
4040HowltuskGreat Helm (TC 24)
46462WormskullBone Helm (TC 24)
63635Undead CrownCrown (TC 30)

Armor (15 of 15) (100.0%)

44GreyformQuilted Armor (TC 3)
33Blinkbat's FormLeather Armor (TC 3)
2121The CenturionHard Leather Armor (TC 6)
58587TwitchthroeStudded Leather (TC 9)
464243DarkglowRing Mail (TC 12)
767513HawkmailScale Mail (TC 15)
78782Sparking MailChain Mail (TC 15)
1131134Venom WardBreast Plate (TC 18)
424111IceblinkSplint Mail (TC 21)
34342BonefleshPlate Mail (TC 24)
53535RockfleeceField Plate (TC 30)
43432RattlecageGothic Plate (TC 33)
35354Heavenly GarbLight Plate (TC 36)
2121GoldskinFull Plate Mail (TC 39)
23232Silks of the VictorAncient Armor (TC 42)

Shields (8 of 8) (100.0%)

1010Pelta LunataBuckler (TC 3)
29292Umbral DiskSmall Shield (TC 6)
46463StormguildLarge Shield (TC 12)
39395Swordback HoldSpiked Shield (TC 12)
61611SteelclashKite Shield (TC 15)
64643Wall of the EyelessBone Shield (TC 21)
48481Bverrit KeepTower Shield (TC 24)
69692The WardGothic Shield (TC 30)

Gloves (5 of 5) (100.0%)

66The Hand of BrocLeather Gloves (TC 3)
787712BloodfistHeavy Gloves (TC 9)
413834Chance GuardsChain Gloves (TC 12)
5741161MagefistLight Gauntlets (TC 21)
10710432FrostburnGauntlets (TC 27)

Boots (5 of 5) (100.0%)

44HotspurBoots (TC 3)
45453GorefootHeavy Boots (TC 9)
44441Treads of CthonChain Boots (TC 12)
37371Goblin ToeLight Plated Boots (TC 21)
96969TearhaunchGreaves (TC 27)

Belts (5 of 5) (100.0%)

221LenymoSash (TC 3)
52522SnakecordLight Belt (TC 9)
59594NightsmokeBelt (TC 12)
62624GoldwrapHeavy Belt (TC 21)
747314BladebucklePlated Belt (TC 27)

Axes (10 of 10) (100.0%)

773The GnasherHand Axe (TC 3)
57573DeathspadeAxe (TC 9)
78784BladeboneDouble Axe (TC 15)
76764Skull SplitterMilitary Pick (TC 21)
50504RakescarWar Axe (TC 27)
34341Axe of FechmarLarge Axe (TC 6)
54545GoreshovelBroad Axe (TC 12)
75754The ChieftainBattle Axe (TC 18)
3333BrainhewGreat Axe (TC 24)
51516HumongousGiant Axe (TC 27)

Daggers (4 of 4) (100.0%)

11101GullDagger (TC 3)
71718The DigglerDirk (TC 9)
76763The Jade Tan DoKris (TC 18)
59592Spectral ShardBlade (TC 24)

Maces (8 of 8) (100.0%)

661FelloakClub (TC 3)
37371StoutnailSpiked Club (TC 6)
82822CrushflangeMace (TC 9)
71714BloodriseMorning Star (TC 15)
80807The General's Tan Do Li GaFlail (TC 21)
55553IronstoneWar Hammer (TC 27)
68681BonesnapMaul (TC 21)
37371SteeldriverGreat Maul (TC 33)

Polearms (6 of 6) (100.0%)

29291Dimoak's HewBardiche (TC 6)
56561SteelgoadVoulge (TC 12)
81819Soul HarvestScythe (TC 15)
87873The BattlebranchPoleaxe (TC 21)
636213WoestaveHalberd (TC 30)
37372The Grim ReaperWar Scythe (TC 36)

Scepters (3 of 3) (100.0%)

331Knell StrikerScepter (TC 3)
34342RusthandleGrand Scepter (TC 15)
43431StormeyeWar Scepter (TC 21)

Spears (5 of 5) (100.0%)

31314The Dragon ChangSpear (TC 6)
55556RazortineTrident (TC 9)
797812BloodthiefBrandistock (TC 18)
71712Lance of YaggaiSpetum (TC 21)
43431The Tannr GorerodPike (TC 24)

Staves (5 of 5) (100.0%)

77Bane AshShort Staff (TC 3)
26261Serpent LordLong Staff (TC 9)
2525Spire of LazarusGnarled Staff (TC 12)
40404The SalamanderBattle Staff (TC 18)
26263The Iron Jang BongWar Staff (TC 24)

Swords (13 of 13) (100.0%)

10101Rixot's KeenShort Sword (TC 3)
45453Blood CrescentScimitar (TC 6)
43432Skewer of KrintizSabre (TC 9)
61617GleamscytheFalchion (TC 12)
74741Griswold's EdgeBroad Sword (TC 15)
90905HellplagueLong Sword (TC 21)
61612Culwen's PointWar Sword (TC 27)
55551ShadowfangTwo-Handed Sword (TC 12)
88888SoulflayClaymore (TC 18)
84846Kinemil's AwlGiant Sword (TC 21)
6161BlacktongueBastard Sword (TC 24)
43433RipsawFlamberge (TC 27)
43432The PatriarchGreat Sword (TC 33)

Wands (4 of 4) (100.0%)

33Torch of IroWand (TC 3)
42422MaelstromYew Wand (TC 12)
3434GravenspineBone Wand (TC 18)
25251Ume's LamentGrim Wand (TC 27)

Exceptional Uniques(105 of 105) (100.0%)

Helms (8 of 8) (100.0%)

33321Peasant CrownWar Hat (TC 36)
302552RockstopperSallet (TC 39)
14141StealskullCasque (TC 42)
15151Darksight HelmBasinet (TC 45)
4331121Blackhorn's FaceDeath Mask (TC 48)
1919Valkyrie WingWinged Helm (TC 51)
11381Vampire GazeGrim Helm (TC 51)
262151Crown of ThievesGrand Crown (TC 57)

Armor (15 of 15) (100.0%)

3535The Spirit ShroudGhost Armor (TC 36)
3927122Skin of the VipermagiSerpentskin Armor (TC 36)
27272Skin of the Flayed OneDemonhide Armor (TC 39)
1616Iron PeltTrellised Armor (TC 42)
2828Spirit ForgeLinked Mail (TC 42)
17171Crow CawTigulated Mail (TC 45)
8531ShaftstopMesh Armor (TC 45)
4925242Duriel's ShellCuirass (TC 48)
14104Skullder's IreRusset Armor (TC 51)
13851Guardian AngelTemplar Coat (TC 54)
21211ToothrowSharktooth Armor (TC 57)
24242Atma's WailEmbossed Plate (TC 60)
2020Que-Hegan's WisdomMage Plate (TC 60)
1414Black HadesChaos Armor (TC 63)
25251CorpsemournOrnate Plate (TC 66)

Shields (8 of 8) (100.0%)

515015VisceratuantDefender (TC 36)
272341Moser's Blessed CircleRound Shield (TC 39)
26262StormchaserScutum (TC 42)
23233Lance GuardBarbed Shield (TC 42)
171161Tiamat's RebukeDragon Shield (TC 45)
393633Lidless WallGrim Shield (TC 48)
1414Gerke's SanctuaryPavise (TC 51)
20201Radament's SphereAncient Shield (TC 57)

Gloves (5 of 5) (100.0%)

50503Venom GripDemonhide Gloves (TC 33)
21212GravepalmSharkskin Gloves (TC 39)
24241GhoulhideHeavy Bracers (TC 45)
10461Lava GoutBattle Gauntlets (TC 51)
18181HellmouthWar Gauntlets (TC 54)

Boots (5 of 5) (100.0%)

42422InfernostrideDemonhide Boots (TC 36)
302641WaterwalkSharkskin Boots (TC 39)
232031SilkweaveMesh Boots (TC 45)
10371War TravelerBattle Boots (TC 51)
142121Gore RiderWar Boots (TC 54)

Belts (5 of 5) (100.0%)

453961String of EarsDemonhide Sash (TC 36)
241952RazortailSharkskin Belt (TC 39)
18183Gloom's TrapMesh Belt (TC 45)
1212SnowclashBattle Belt (TC 51)
16971Thundergod's VigorWar Belt (TC 54)

Axes (9 of 9) (100.0%)

48482ColdkillHatchet (TC 33)
21212IslestrikeTwin Axe (TC 39)
27272Pompeii's WrathCrowbill (TC 45)
18182Guardian NagaNaga (TC 48)
40403Warlord's TrustMilitary Axe (TC 36)
33331SpellsteelBearded Axe (TC 39)
33332StormriderTabar (TC 42)
29292Boneslayer BladeGothic Axe (TC 48)
2323The MinotaurAncient Axe (TC 51)

Daggers (4 of 4) (100.0%)

43434SpineripperPoignard (TC 33)
31311Heart CarverRondel (TC 36)
25251Blackbog's SharpCinquedeas (TC 42)
28281StormspikeStiletto (TC 48)

Maces (7 of 7) (100.0%)

74745Dark Clan CrusherCudgel (TC 30)
5252FleshrenderBarbed Club (TC 33)
464511Sureshrill FrostFlanged Mace (TC 36)
40402MoonfallJagged Star (TC 39)
2121Baezil's VortexKnout (TC 45)
33331EarthshakerBattle Hammer (TC 48)
2323Bloodtree StumpWar Club (TC 45)

Polearms (6 of 6) (100.0%)

48481The Meat ScraperLochaber Axe (TC 33)
37371Pierre Tombale CouantPartizan (TC 36)
17171Blackleach BladeBill (TC 39)
30301Athena's WrathBattle Scythe (TC 42)
23232Husoldal EvoBec-De-Corbin (TC 51)
28281Grim's Burning DeadGrim Scythe (TC 57)

Scepters (3 of 3) (100.0%)

17171Zakarum's HandRune Scepter (TC 33)
8531The Fetid SprinklerHoly Water Sprinkler (TC 42)
1091Hand of Blessed LightDivine Scepter (TC 45)

Spears (5 of 5) (100.0%)

4141The ImpalerWar Spear (TC 33)
514744Kelpie SnareFuscina (TC 36)
30302Soulfeast TineWar Fork (TC 42)
323112Hone SundanYari (TC 45)
22221Spire of HonorLance (TC 48)

Staves (5 of 5) (100.0%)

1818RazorswitchJo Staff (TC 30)
191721RibcrackerQuarterstaff (TC 36)
1717Chromatic IreCedar Staff (TC 39)
77WarpspearGothic Staff (TC 42)
12121Skull CollectorRune Staff (TC 48)

Swords (14 of 14) (100.0%)

777616BloodletterGladius (TC 30)
42423HexfireShamshir (TC 36)
363152Blade of Ali BabaTulwar (TC 39)
2121Ginther's RiftDimensional Blade (TC 39)
24241HeadstrikerBattle Sword (TC 42)
34342Plague BearerRune Sword (TC 45)
34341Coldsteel EyeCutlass (TC 45)
28282The AtlanteanAncient Sword (TC 51)
41413Crainte VomirEspandon (TC 39)
2424Bing Sz WangDacian Falx (TC 42)
27272The Vile HuskTusk Sword (TC 45)
38381CloudcrackGothic Sword (TC 48)
26262Todesfaelle FlammeZweihander (TC 51)
18181SwordguardExecutioner Sword (TC 54)

Wands (4 of 4) (100.0%)

24242Suicide BranchBurnt Wand (TC 33)
11111Carin ShardPetrified Wand (TC 39)
1091Arm of King LeoricTomb Wand (TC 45)
111013Blackhand KeyGrave Wand (TC 51)

Throwing (2 of 2) (100.0%)

55555DeathbitBattle Dart (TC 33)
43432The ScalperFrancisca (TC 36)

Elite Uniques(59 of 64) (92.19%)

Helms (7 of 8) (87.5%)

2814141Harlequin CrestShako (TC 60)
19191Steel ShadeArmet (TC 69)
13851Kira's GuardianTiara (TC 72)
191542Andariel's VisageDemonhead (TC 75)
22Veil of SteelSpired Helm (TC 81)
Nightwing's VeilSpired Helm (TC 81)
11Giant SkullBone Visage (TC 84)
211Griffon's EyeDiadem (TC 87)

Armor (5 of 5) (100.0%)

22211Ormus' RobesDusk Shroud (TC 66)
1073The Gladiator's BaneWire Fleece (TC 72)
771Arkaine's ValorBalrog Skin (TC 78)
22Steel CarapaceShadow Plate (TC 84)
22Templar's MightSacred Armor (TC 87)

Shields (5 of 5) (100.0%)

15151Blackoak ShieldLuna (TC 63)
1111Spike ThornBlade Barrier (TC 69)
33Head Hunter's GloryTroll Nest (TC 78)
33Medusa's GazeAegis (TC 81)
11Spirit WardWard (TC 84)

Gloves (3 of 3) (100.0%)

12751Dracul's GraspVampirebone Gloves (TC 63)
15152Soul DrainerVambraces (TC 69)
11SteelrendOgre Gauntlets (TC 87)

Boots (3 of 3) (100.0%)

282442Sandstorm TrekScarabshell Boots (TC 66)
161511MarrowwalkBoneweave Boots (TC 72)
11Shadow DancerMyrmidon Greaves (TC 87)

Belts (3 of 3) (100.0%)

10191Arachnid MeshSpiderweb Sash (TC 63)
13761Nosferatu's CoilVampirefang Belt (TC 69)
972Verdungo's Hearty CordMithril Coil (TC 75)

Axes (6 of 7) (85.71%)

1313Razor's EdgeTomahawk (TC 54)
29293Rune MasterEttin Axe (TC 72)
66CranebeakWar Spike (TC 81)
2626HellslayerDecapitator (TC 75)
44Messerschmidt's ReaverChampion Axe (TC 84)
Death CleaverBerserker Axe (TC 87)
11Executioner's JusticeGlorious Axe (TC 87)

Daggers (1 of 1) (100.0%)

8711FleshripperFanged Knife (TC 84)

Javelins (2 of 2) (100.0%)

19181Demon's ArchBalrog Spear (TC 72)
33Gargoyle's BiteWinged Harpoon (TC 87)

Maces (7 of 8) (87.5%)

23233Nord's TenderizerTruncheon (TC 54)
261214Demon LimbTyrant Club (TC 57)
252415Baranar's StarDevil Star (TC 72)
55Horizon's TornadoScourge (TC 78)
StormlashScourge (TC 78)
32323WindhammerOgre Maul (TC 69)
33Stone CrusherLegendary Mallet (TC 84)
221Earth ShifterThunder Maul (TC 87)

Polearms (3 of 3) (100.0%)

484711BonehewOgre Axe (TC 60)
251114The Reaper's TollThresher (TC 72)
66Tomb ReaverCryptic Axe (TC 81)

Scepters (3 of 3) (100.0%)

431Heaven's LightMighty Scepter (TC 63)
441The RedeemerMighty Scepter (TC 63)
22Astreon's Iron WardCaduceus (TC 87)

Spears (2 of 2) (100.0%)

32322Arioc's NeedleHyperion Spear (TC 60)
20201ViperforkMancatcher (TC 75)

Staves (1 of 2) (50.0%)

1091Ondal's WisdomElder Staff (TC 75)
Mang Song's LessonArchon Staff (TC 87)

Swords (4 of 4) (100.0%)

1313Djinn SlayerAtaghan (TC 63)
15151BloodmoonElegant Blade (TC 63)
651FrostwindCryptic Sword (TC 84)
2121FlamebellowBalrog Blade (TC 72)

Throwing (2 of 3) (66.67%)

25252GimmershredFlying Axe (TC 57)
WarshrikeWinged Knife (TC 78)
44LaceratorWinged Axe (TC 81)

Wands (2 of 2) (100.0%)

761BoneshadeLich Wand (TC 75)
11Death's WebUnearthed Wand (TC 87)

Always Ethereal(4 of 4) (100.0%)

Always Ethereal (4 of 4) (100.0%)

444Shadow KillerBattle Cestus (TC 75)
666Wraith FlightGhost Glaive (TC 81)
333GhostflameLegend Spike (TC 87)
292929Ethereal EdgeSilver-Edged Axe (TC 66)

Class-Specific Items(23 of 24) (95.83%)

Weapons (10 of 10) (100.0%)

292721Titan's RevengeCeremonial Javelin (TC 36)
1313Lycander's FlankCeremonial Pike (TC 51)
232211StoneravenMatriarchal Spear (TC 63)
19172ThunderstrokeMatriarchal Javelin (TC 66)
30255Bartuc's Cut-ThroatGreater Talons (TC 51)
262511Jade TalonWrist Sword (TC 63)
332Firelizard's TalonsFeral Claws (TC 78)
1569The OculusSwirling Crystal (TC 51)
18181Eschuta's TemperEldritch Orb (TC 69)
11Death's FathomDimensional Shard (TC 87)

Armor (13 of 14) (92.86%)

413Arreat's FaceSlayer Guard (TC 54)
11111WolfhowlFury Visor (TC 66)
10911Demonhorn's EdgeDestroyer Helm (TC 75)
22Halaberd's ReignConqueror Crown (TC 81)
141041Jalal's ManeTotemic Mask (TC 57)
1111Cerebus' BiteBlood Spirit (TC 63)
55Spirit KeeperEarth Spirit (TC 78)
33RavenloreSky Spirit (TC 84)
8621HomunculusHierophant Trophy (TC 54)
22BoneflameSuccubus Skull (TC 81)
Darkforce SpawnBloodlord Skull (TC 87)
1028Herald of ZakarumGilded Shield (TC 51)
882Alma NegraSacred Rondache (TC 72)
211DragonscaleZakarum Shield (TC 84)

Name Total Found # Found % Not Found # Not Found %
All items 301 295 98.01% 6 1.99%
All Unique items 301 295 98.01% 6 1.99%
Normal Uniques 104 104 100.0% 0 0.0%
Exceptional Uniques 105 105 100.0% 0 0.0%
Elite Uniques 64 59 92.19% 5 7.81%
Always Ethereal 4 4 100.0% 0 0.0%
Class-Specific Items 24 23 95.83% 1 4.17%

Colors: Total items nritems in stashitems in characterEthereal items

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